Invest with impact

From 100€, back the most promising decarbonizing solutions.

From 100€, finance the most promising decarbonizing solutions.

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Welcome forward thinkers, innovators, climate enthusiasts.
We are home to keen investors willing to shape a brighter future for the planet. Together, let’s energize the most promising solutions fighting climate change. Join our community-lead platform and start decarbonizing now.

Jeremie Sicsic, founder & CEO Keenest
image of jeremie sicsic

How it works ?



We carefully select projects with high impact potential.
You choose Green Techs you want to invest in, and buy a token.
Keenest buy company shares: your token is a representation of the equity.



Reap financial and extra-financial rewards by investing with Keenest. Monitor the evolution of your yields via your dashboard.



Access a secondary market at any time to freely trade your assets.

Invest now

Our partners

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logo of climate dividends
logo of team for the planet
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Measure your performance. Showcase your impact.

With keenest, you don't have to choose between financial and environmental return. Get both.

Track your financial performance for your entire portfolio

Track your financial performance for your entire portfolio

Assess your contribution toward carbon neutrality thanks to your Climate Dividends.

Assess your contribution toward carbon neutrality thanks to your Climate Dividends.

The keen investors community

Clarisse Hagege

CEO Dfns

“keenest mission is to unlock the investment in the decarbonation of the economy. Let's bring them all the support they deserve to make our planet thrive.”

Michael Diguet

CEO Algoan

“With a smart use of web3 tech, Keenest fuels outstanding initiatives, turbocharging our collective fight against climate change.”

Mehdi Coly

CEO Team for the Planet

“Keenest is a new way to finance Climate Techs. Instead of relying solely on traditional financial players, they will be able to collect funds directly from our investors community.”


What are the selection criteria for the chosen innovations?

What are the selection criteria for the chosen innovations?First, we select only companies developing products or services designed to have an impact on Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, either avoiding or removing CO2.

Second, the technology must have been validated, either by a scientific committee of a trusted third party, such as the Solar Impulse Foundation.Finally, the company must have a blueprint business model which ensure the viability of the project, and be able to provide financial return to its investors.

Finally, the company must have a blueprint business model which ensure the viability of the project, and be able to provide financial return to its investors.

What is the liquidity of this type of investment?

Since the solutions financed are mostly in an early stage position, your investment may either result in a financial upside (capital gains), or downside (partial or total loss in capital).

Financial risks are mitigated thanks to the secondary market, that reduce risks of illiquidity. Investors can decide to sell their assets anytime on the marketplace.

How is the real impact of innovations measured?

In order to measure the positive climate impact of the solution, a trusted third party compare the GHG emissions of the scenario with the solution implemented (Solution scenario) to the GHG emissions of the most credible fictitious reference scenario without the solution (Reference scenario). The difference in GHG emissions between the two scenarios gives the amount of GHG emissions that the Solution can claim to have avoided or removed. The avoided or/and removed emissions are then converted into Climate Dividends. Learn more on the Climate Dividends Protocol here.

What are the risks of such an investment?

Keenest project is very well documented on our Lite Paper. You will learn more on our mission, solution, team, roadmap and tokenomics.

You can also join our Discord community to get real-time updates on the project, ask all your questions and take part in the journey!

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